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Mental Health Resources

>> Discover the mental health resources on the territory of the CIUSSS of the West Island of Montreal – Adult Mental Health Teams

>> Discover the mental health resources on the territory of CIUSSS West Island – Resources for seniors: Home support, advice and referrals

>> The University Institute on Addictions offers various tools to support the practices of addiction workers in a pandemic and containment context, which can be downloaded from their website

Report “Competency Development Needs in the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder

Study conducted with managers and clinicians of mental health and addiction programs in Quebec’s CISSS and CIUSSS with a CRD mission. >>> Consult the report

Training needs in addiction in Quebec

Presentation made to the table of clinical and organizational managers in the field of addiction (December 8, 2021)
>>> Consult the presentation

Questions and Answers on Addictions

Legalization of cannabis, the opioid crisis, cyberaddiction… Substance use disorders raise many questions to which the answers circulating in the public arena are not always accurate and reliable.

In this context, in response to questions raised by participants in the cross-training session on concurrent disorders, our research team invites various specialists in the field of addictions to briefly answer questions related to their area of expertise.

Opioids: What are we talking about?
Can cannabis be used as a medicine?